Thursday, September 16, 2010

Another Update.....

The rummage sale of 2010 is done and over with. We had a lot of nice stuff donated and a big thank you to those of you who donated, browsed and/or shopped. The proceeds went to two very good causes. The Library and the Community Center split the money. Lots of work and lots of fun but I am glad it is behind us.

Sunday the 19th is the planning meeting for the Haunted Library. Please join us at the library at 1:30 and bring all your good ideas with you. Snacks will be served.

Our scrapbooking event is Oct. 2nd. We will be here from 10:00a.m.- 8:00 p.m. For $25 we will provide lunch, dinnner, snacks, Cricut, Cuttlebug, and a door prize. We will also be selling raffle tickets for some fun prizes.If you have any questions or want to reserve your spot please call 989-981-6106.

Hope to see you at the library soon,

Your Local Library Blog Ladies

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